"HEDGEHOG'S DILEMMA" fan translation by sharpsnack Misato: I wonder if he's gonna cut class again... ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Shinji, get up! How long are you going to be absent from school? It's already been 5 days! Unit-01's completely operational. You're a pilot, you can't just leave it sitting there! Misato: Shinji? Misato: He ran away. I'm not surprised... TITLE EPISODE: 4 HEDGEHOG'S DILEMMA ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Shinji? Toji: Er... Kensuke: We're Shinji's classmates, Kensuke & Toji. Misato: Kensuke and Toji... Kensuke & Toji: Yes. Toji: I'm Toji! Misato: Ah, you're the ones who entered the entry plug of Unit 01?! Toji: We're sorry for causing you so much trouble the other day. Toji: Since then, Shinji's been gone from school for a while, so I wanted to see how he was doing. Misato: Shinji's currently at the NERV training facility. Toji: Oh, I see... Kensuke: Here are all the prints for Shinji. Misato: Sorry for the trouble, and thank you. Toji: Well then, we'll excuse ourselves. Kensuke: Please say hi to Shinji for us. Misato: Yes, I'll make sure to. Goodbye. Kensuke: This is an unexpected development. Toji: She's really hot, don't you think? Misato: Shinji, you idiot!! Idiot... ___________________________________________________________________________ Announcement: The exit is to the right at the next station. Annoucement: Thank you for taking a train on the Tokyo-3 Loop Line today. Station announcement: The train will take its last stop at this station. Please be sure not to leave anything behind as you depart. Shinji: I have to go home... ___________________________________________________________________________ Movie: Were you really unable to detect it? Movie: Yes, a meteorite only mere centimeters in diameter crashed into the South Pole at more than 10 percent of the speed of light! Movie: Our science couldn't predict or prevent it! Movie: It's hell outside! What does science exist for? Movie: At the moment, atmospheric flow has gone down due to changes in the Earth's axis. Movie: So it's calmed down a little? Movie: No, a tsunami's coming! It's approaching at 230 m/s! Movie: Doctor, let's escape! Movie: No. It's my duty to stay here. Movie: Doctor, it's easy to die. But you must stare into the hell of this world and nurture it... ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Idiot... ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: He's only 14...it's cruel to make him shoulder the burden of humanity's fate. Ritsuko: But we have no choice but to entrust control of the EVA to them. Misato: I know. Ritsuko: So, have you heard from Shinji? Misato: ... Ritsuko: Nothing? Misato: ...Nothing. I doubt he'll come back. Ritsuko: What are you planning to do? Misato: Nothing really. Maybe it's better for him not to come back. Ritsuko: Why? Misato: After the battle the other day... ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Why did you ignore my orders? Shinji: Sorry... Misato: I'm the one in charge of your operations, don't you know? Misato: You have an obligation to follow my orders. Do you understand? Shinji: Yes. Misato: I hope this doesn't happen in the future. Shinji: Yes. Misato: Do you really understand what I'm saying? Shinji: Yes. Misato: Hey, nothing will be better if you just keep repeating that vague 'yes'! Shinji: I understand you just fine. That's enough, don't you think? We won anyway. Misato: If you just do as you're told, you might briefly feel content. But if you ride the EVA with that mindset, you'll die! Shinji: I wouldn't mind. Misato: I'd like to say that you're well prepared, but if you think I'll start worshipping you, you're making a big mistake. Shinji: That's not the point. I'm the only one who can pilot it anyway, so I'll do it. ___________________________________________________________________________ Ritsuko: I see. If piloting the EVA causes him nothing but pain, then it's better for him not to anymore. I'm sure he'd die if he continued. Ritsuko: But we still need pilots. *Kensuke is playing soldiers* Kensuke: Da-da-da-da-da-da-da, boom! Kensuke: Captain! Kensuke: Go, Aida, go! Kensuke: I can't go on without my captain! Kensuke: You idiot! *Kensuke stops playing and sees Shinji* Kensuke: Ooph...transfer student! Kensuke: Shinji! (eyecatch thing) NEON GENESIS EVANGELION ___________________________________________________________________________ NEON GENESIS EVANGELION EPISODE:4 HEDGEHOG'S DILEMMA Kensuke: Toji's really sorry about what he did. Apparently his sister gave him a lecture. She was saying it's that robot that saved us. It's pathetic that an elementary schooler taught him a lesson like that, right? Kensuke: It's nice at night because those noisy cicadas don't sing. It was quiet when I was little, but their numbers have been increasing every year. Shinji: Misato said that the ecosystem is healing... Kensuke: Hmm, Misato... I'm really jealous of you, getting to live with such a beautiful girl and piloting the Evangelion... Kensuke: Ah, I wish I could pilot the Evangelion just once! Shinji: You probably shouldn't. I think your mother would be very worried. Kensuke: Ah, I'd be fine. I don't have one...just like you. Kensuke: You've got something to eat, right? Shinji: Yeah... Shinji: Do you usually do this? Kensuke: Well, sorta. Shinji: Training for guerrilla warfare? Kensuke: What else can I do with toys like these? I'm just doing this because I like it. Intelligence Officer: You're Shinji Ikari, correct. Shinji: Yes. Intelligence Officer: We're from NERV's Security & Intelligence Department. In accordance with Section 8 of the Regulations for Public Security, you will be taken to headquarters. Understood? Shinji: Yes. ___________________________________________________________________________ Toji: And you just stood there?! Kensuke: Easy for you to say. They were professionals, members of NERV's Security and Intelligence department. Toji: Your point being?! Don't you have any balls?! Girl: Disgusting! Girl: Pervert! Kensuke: Only a fool fights when they have no chance of victory. ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Long time no see. Shinji: Yes. Misato: Did being gone for two days cheer you up? Shinji: Not really. Misato: The EVA is on standby. Will you pilot it? Or not? Shinji: You didn't scold me for running away from home. Shinji: I suppose it makes sense, you've no relation to me. Shinji: If I said I don't want to pilot it, what would you do with Unit-01? Misato: Rei will be its pilot. Are you sure you won't pilot it? Shinji: It's not fair for you to force everything on her. It's okay, I'll pilot it. Misato: But you don't want to, do you? Shinji: It's only natural. First off, I'm not cut out for that kind of thing. But Ayanami, Misato, and Ritsuko... Misato: Stop it! This has nothing to do with anyone else! If you hate this, then just get out of here! Forget about us and the EVA, and go back to living a normal life! Misato: You won't get in the EVA with that attitude. ___________________________________________________________________________ Ritsuko: The Third Children will leave Tokyo-3 tomorrow. Gendo: Then, we'll rewrite Unit-01 to Rei's configuration. Gendo: Regardless of the results of the reboot of Unit-00, we'll move on and reboot Unit-01. Gendo: According to the Marduk Institute's report, the Fourth Children has not yet been found. Ritsuko: Are you saying that replacing the pilot won't work? ___________________________________________________________________________ Shinji: Um, where's Misato? I'd like to say goodbye. Intelligence Officer: You are no longer a member of NERV. I can't tell you anything. ___________________________________________________________________________ Toji: Ikari, you left some stuff behind! Shinji: Excuse me, could I have a minute with them? Er, thank you... Kensuke: Toji, speak up! Hey! Toji: Shinji, I'm sorry for hitting you twice. Please, hit me back! Shinji: I can't do that! Toji: Please! If you don't, I'll never be content with myself! Kensuke: He's so embrassing, so why don't you put an end to this & just punch him? Shinji: But... Toji: Hurry up! You don't have time, right?! Shinji: Well, just one... Toji: Fine. Well, come on! Toji: Wait! No holding back. Kensuke: Ooh! Shinji: How'd you know I'd be here? Kensuke: It's called intuition. We've seen dozens of classmates go lately. Toji: If you leave, we'll also have to leave this city sooner or later. Toji: We can't say anything to stop you. We all saw how you suffered inside the EVA. Toji: If I see anyone blaming you for anything, I'll make sure to knock some sense into them! Toji: Aw, don't look so glum. Kensuke: Cheer up a bit, and good luck. Shinji: Um... Intelligence Officer: Time's up. Shinji: I'm the one who should be beaten! I'm cowardly, dishonest, a sneak... Intelligence Officer: Don't give us any more trouble. ___________________________________________________________________________ Ritsuko: He's gone. Was this really for the best? Misato: The hedgehog's dilemma...the closer you are to someone, the more you hurt them. He can't express his feelings any other way... ___________________________________________________________________________ Announcement: An express linear train bound for Atsugi is arriving on Track 2. Please stand behind the yellow line. Announcement: Exclusively government personnel can board the train on Track 2. General passsengers are forbidden to enter within the fences. Announcement: Please note that boarding the train without permission is strictly prohibited. Misato (flashback): Good luck. Kensuke: Look! Toji: It's the hottie that lives with Shinji! Announcement: A local train bound for Gora will soon be arriving on Track 4. Please stand behind the yellow line. If you are traveling with small children, exercise caution. Announcement: The train on Track 4 will be departing to Gora. All passengers of the train, please wait in your seats. Announcement: Attention! The train will be arriving soon. Please stand behind the yellow line. Shinji: I-I'm home... Misato: Welcome back. END